Saturday, September 26, 2009

21-22 sept 2009

it had been a long time that i din't take any rest for myself...
finally i could make 2 days 1 night trip to tempurung, sabah

i have someone to hold...

a beautiful beach which allows you to do surfing...
we don't have to travel to other places just only for surfing...
there is a nice place you can get in sabah...

here we go...a MUSHROOM... so CUTE!!!
just beside the seaside...*+_+*

a random pic...feel to love this...

Friday, September 4, 2009

i am not alone~

my parents come to my place to have a short vacation here...
i can feel home at least even though i can't return to my hometown...
i am not alone...yeah!!!

i am making a pack schedule to bring them around...
the time table might kill me cause i am a "night cat"...
i have to wake up very early and store enough energy to hang around for whole day...
however, i think i will enjoy my days...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

rainy days~

cold day...nice breeze...fresh air...
look at the rain drops on the makes me feel calm...
enjoy the dripping sound of the seems like they are whispering to me...

i should take a break and calm my mind...
there are too much worries in myself...
which path to choose? where to go? what to do?
everyday i am questioning myself...however, i still can't make up my mind...

Monday, August 31, 2009


it is a very silent night with just a light turns on...
i am just alone in a very small room facing to my display...
my mind is blank, can't think of anything deeper...
what make me to become like this?
i am questioning myself...

i realized that i need someone to talk to...i need to express myself
but...who will listen to me?
how do i tell? who do i tell? what should i tell?
it is a just a mess in my mind...

too silent...make me feel weak and lose my energy...........

Sunday, August 30, 2009

heading to new path~

i am thinking to challenge myself to a new way...
i do not want to lose my dream as what i had planned before...
my current situation is too weak, too empty, without direction, without future...

i have to power up myself to go for a new path...
i hope i can have supports in different ways...
i know this is not an easy way to start and maybe i might end up with a mess...
give a try if not i will never know...
nothing that i can rely on now...stand alone and be strong...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


i found a friend who i lost contact for a few years on my facebook
she was one of my bestie during my secondary school days
our relationship was torn by some circumtances
i think currently she lives happily in her new life
feel grateful that she can be the way she wanted

i was thinking to send a message through facebook but i didn't
i really feel like to forgive her but i stopped
should i??
i never think of to forgive her but time passes and we all grow up
in a way, we as a mature adult shouldn't think of kids agruement that had passed
i dreamt of her after i found her in facebook
i tried to approach to her in my dream and brought a present for her
we tried to talk but seem like we are strangers
eventhough we can recover the relationship but we can't laugh, can't share, can't talk like what we used to be...

there is a thorn in my heart...
it is so hard for me to step out...
i tried to pull it out...
maybe it is still not the time yet...or...
it will never happen?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

no compromise~

i am tire to make compromise already...
today really make me feel like i want to run away...
is that i am less than a kitten in your heart????
maybe the way how you show your love is different...
but it is hard for me to take it if it repeats over and over...

tired...really tired...