Thursday, August 27, 2009


i found a friend who i lost contact for a few years on my facebook
she was one of my bestie during my secondary school days
our relationship was torn by some circumtances
i think currently she lives happily in her new life
feel grateful that she can be the way she wanted

i was thinking to send a message through facebook but i didn't
i really feel like to forgive her but i stopped
should i??
i never think of to forgive her but time passes and we all grow up
in a way, we as a mature adult shouldn't think of kids agruement that had passed
i dreamt of her after i found her in facebook
i tried to approach to her in my dream and brought a present for her
we tried to talk but seem like we are strangers
eventhough we can recover the relationship but we can't laugh, can't share, can't talk like what we used to be...

there is a thorn in my heart...
it is so hard for me to step out...
i tried to pull it out...
maybe it is still not the time yet...or...
it will never happen?

1 comment:

sugoibuta said...

i stopped cos i was thinking why should i take the step to make compromise...why didnt she make it first...i hope i dun be too stubborn too and wish i could pull out the thorn before it is too late and regret in my life...maybe still not the time yet